Commissioning 65/104
RE 92076-01-B/10.2017, A4... with HS5E pilot control valve/Series 3x,
Bosch Rexroth AG
8.1.5 Making the basic setting on the control electronics
You must have installed the IndraWorks engineering tool to be able to set the control
electronics. Users must configure the HS5E control system to match customer-
specific requirements. This mainly affects the following settings:
As-delivered, the command value specification is analog.
When using BUS, you must make the corresponding master communication setting.
The settings for pressure acquisition (with HS5E only, not with HS5EP when using
the supplied pressure transducer)
Setting of torque limitation
For information on controller optimization, see chapter 8.1.7 "Setting controller
parameters" on page 71.
To set the enable during commissioning, you use Easy Startup mode. You use
IndraWorks to configure this mode and to start it.