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MKE Synchronous Servomotors
Bosch Rexroth AG
R911402016, Edition 02
The specified limit values are valid for frequen-
cies of 10‑2000
Hz during stimulation on the
motor flange. Limitations can be necessary for
occurring resonances depending on the applica-
tion and installation situation.
The following limit values apply according to
60068-2-6 for MKE motors:
Fig. 25: Vibration load on measuring points
Table 17: Allowed vibration load MKE motors.
Direction Measuring point
Limit value
A, C
B, D
1, 2 (radial motor
30 m/s² 10 m/s²
4, 5 (radial,
bearing shield)
50 m/s² 50 m/s²
3 (axial motor
10 m/s² 10 m/s²
6 (axial bearing
25 m/s² 25 m/s²
The specified values must not be exceeded.
Commissioning in potentially explosive atmos-
pheres is prohibited until it has been ascertained
that the overall system corresponds to the
demands and certification conditions for explo-
sion protection.
MKE motors can only be commissioned with
other components (drive controller, control unit).
Prior to commissioning
Make sure you have the documentations of all
used products ready.
Prior to commissioning, ensure that the following
requirements are met.
Ensure that the motor and all participating
components of the drive are undamaged.
Storage time of the motor. Depending on the
storage time, take measures to ensure safe
operation. Run in bearings, resurface the
holding brake, ... See table .
Make sure that all mechanical and electrical
connections (temperature sensor, potential
equalization conductor, ...) are properly con-
nected and secured against loosening.
Ensure that a holding brake voltage of
±10% is applied to the motor. If neces-
sary, adjust the voltage.
Check the proper function of the holding
Do not do the grinding procedure in haz-
ardous ambience.
Ensure that keys are protected against ejec-
Enable the safety devices and monitoring sys-
tems of the machine.
Once all requirements are met, proceed as fol-
Commission the drive system according to
the instructions of the corresponding
product documentation. The respective infor-
mation can be found in the functional
description of the drive controllers.
Record all measures taken in the commis-
sioning log.
Observe the general and technology-dependend
safety instructions in this documentation.
For commissioning of the controllers and control
systems, additional steps may be required. The
inspection of the functioning and performance of