10 | 21
Transport Data Logger | TDL 110
5.2 Configuring the TDL
To configure your TDL, follow the steps shown in the app.
1. Choose and enter a name for the TDL (optional).
2. Enter an e-mail address to transfer data (optional). This e-mail
address will be the default recipient address when sending data via
3. Tap “Continue”.
4. Configure the logging interval. The measurement frequency de-
pends on the required monitoring period of the TDL. As an aid for
configuration refer to the overview of the recommended configura-
tion intervals in
5.2.1 Logging Interval
5. Choose a measurement parameter (temperature, humidity, tilt,
shock) by tapping “Set values”.
6. Swipe up and down to configure minimum and maximum values.
7. Tap “Continue”.
Convention for Characters
Only defined characters are allowed for the e-mail address and TDL name.
▶ Allowed characters: [A-Z][a-z][0-9][@.,;/\|+-*_]
At least one value must be configured. However the temperature,
humidity and tilt measurement values will be recorded even without
the configuration of a threshold value.
Figure 5: Configuring the TDL