Display of Measured Values
As soon as the first pulsations are registered, symbol
flashes in Pulse rhythm.
After completion of a measurement the built-in magnetic
valve opens automatically to allow rapid deflation of the cuff.
The latest measurement is automatically retained in the
Invalid measurements are not stored in the memory.
If symbol appears following a completed measurement,
it is recommended that the measurement is repeated while
holding the arm motionless.
A renewed display of symbol following the repeat mea-
surement with the arm being held motionless, can be an indi-
cation of irregular heart beat. Discuss this matter with your GP
on your next visit.
The unit switches off automatically after approximately one
minute. To repeat the procedure, once more press START.
If no further measurement is required, remove cuff.
Interruption of a Measurement :
A measurement can be interrupted at any stage
by simply pressing the START-button. This triggers
the automatic air release from the cuff. For further
measurements press START again.