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Forwards/Backwards while the device is playing music.
Hold down the PREV button to step backwards.
Hold down the NEXT button to steps forwards.
Function mode
From the main menu you can reach every function mode.
Volume control
You have to touch VOLUME to activate the volume function. Use NEXT to increase the
volume and PREV to decrease the volume.
Device on/off
While the device is running hold down the PLAY button to power off the device. The device
enters the standby-by mode. If the device is in standby mode hold down the PLAY button to
power it on.
If the device is playing music touch the PLAY button. The device pauses the playing.
If the device pauses touch the PLAY button to continue the playing.
If the device is recording touch the PLAY button. The device pauses the recording.
If the device is in the submenu touch the PLAY button to leave it.
Playing submenu
If the device is playing music touch MODE, to get to the submenu for playing.
You have to use NEXT or PREV to make your selection. Touch the MODE button to get to the