To get the most enjoyment from your Metal Detector, we suggest
you do the following:
Use two AA
batteries only.
• Do not use Heavy Duty batteries.
• Do not use ordinary Zinc-Carbon Batteries.
Rechargeable batteries can also be used. If you use
rechargeables, we recommend using “Nickel Metal
Hydride” rechargeable batteries.
Use your detector
• Large metal objects inside the home may interfere
with the detector’s operation. Floors and walls of
most homes contain metal objects such as nails,
pipes, wires, ductwork, etc.
• Electrical appliances inside the home, like
microwave ovens, televisions, and some light
fixtures emit electromagnetic energy which can
interfere with the detector’s operation.
• Do not place coins on the floor of your home and
try to detect.
Try this test outside only.
• If conducting an indoor demonstration, hold the
searchcoil off the floor and wave coins over the
center of the searchcoil.
When pin point ing a tar get, try draw ing an imaginary “X”, as il lus trat ed,
over where the tone is induced.
Accurate pinpointing takes practice and is best ac com plished by “X-ing” the
sus pect ed target area. A good way to practice this to lay a coin on the ground
(make sure there are no other metal targets nearby) and practice “X-ing” it
while listening to the audio. Note, the loudest signal response occurs when
the center of the searchcoil is directly over the coin.
Once a buried target is identified by a good tone re sponse, continue
sweep ing the searchcoil over the target in a narrowing side to side pattern.
Take visual note of the place on the ground where the “beep” occurs
as you move the searchcoil slowly from side to side.
Stop the searchcoil directly over this spot on the ground.
Now move the searchcoil straight for ward and straight back towards
you in a similar fashion.
Again make visual note of the spot on the ground at which the “beep”
This allows you to “zero in” on the exact spot on the ground at which
the “beep” occurs.
The detector will beep just as the searchcoil passes over the
buried object.
If you have difficulty pinpointing very strong sig nals, try lifting the searchcoil
higher off the ground until a weaker, but more concise, signal is heard. For
very weak signals, try moving the searchcoil in short quick sweeps, closer to
the ground.