8. Install the retaining ring. Be careful to not let the
snap ring pliers slip out of the retaining ring during
removal. Ensure the retaining ring is inserted fully
into the groove.
9. Release the compression on the spring pack. When
using the compression tool, be sure to hold the
threaded rod while turning the upper nut.
10. Turn the brake cylinder over and install the brake
piston plate over the piston and install the retaining
ring into the groove in the piston.
11. Connect a hand pump with a 0-2000 PSI (0-13,800
kPa) pressure gauge to the brake release port fit-
ting. Apply 1000 PSI (6,900 kPa) and let the assem-
bly stand for 3-5 minutes. If the pressure drops, the
seals must be checked to ensure they were not
damaged or rolled out of position during assembly.
Make certain that the threaded rod of the compres-
sion tool is fully engaged into the lower plate. If a
press is used, be careful to apply only as much pres-
sure as required to allow removal of the retaining
ring. The use of too much force can damage compo-