1. Stand the brake assembly on the splined end, with the
motor adapter upward. Remove the four capscrews
(Item 14) and lockwashers (Item 15). Use a crisscross
pattern and loosen each capscrew one turn at a time
until spring tension is released.
2. Remove the motor adapter (Item 2). Lift out all the
brake discs (Item 3), friction discs (Item 40) and the
spacer (Item 8).
3. Remove and discard the O-ring and backup ring (Items
11 and 12) from the motor adapter. Remove and dis-
card the seal (Item 5) from the brake cylinder. Remove
the steel backup ring (Item 6).
4. Remove the pressure plate (Item 7) and the springs
and spacer (Items 9 and 10) from the brake cylinder.
Clean and Inspect
1. Thoroughly clean and inspect all parts at this time.
Check sealing surfaces on both the motor adapter and
brake cylinder. Be sure the brake release port is open
and free of contamination.
2. Place friction brake disc on flat surface and check for
distortion with a straight edge. Friction material should
appear even across entire surface with groove pat-
tern visible. Replace friction disc if splines are worn to
a point, disc is distorted, friction material is burned or
worn unevenly, or groove depth is less than 0.003 inch
(0.08 mm).
The motor adapter is under spring tension from the
brake springs. Loosen each of the capscrews one turn
at a time until spring tension is released.