Congratulations! You have purchased a high quality ergonomic aid product from Brangs
+ Heinrich. This is the operating manual. This manual aims to familiarise you, step by step,
with how to use the TURNY.
The TURNY has been designed to continuously turn pages without manual interference,
but performance is very much dependent on size and shape of the book and quality of the
pages. With a great number of publications you will be able to turn many pages without
having any problems. However, it is possible that certain books will need adjustment after
turning only a few pages. It is recommended that you prepare in partictular new books
before using them with the TURNY. Open them wide, fl ip through the pages manually, and
get them so fl exible that they lay open better prior to placing them on the TURNY.
- This unit is subject to technical modifi cations!
- Observe all Assembly, Safety and Usage Instructions!
- Small parts should not be removed and swallowed!
- Broken fl aps can be sharp!
- Never change the technical functions of this maschine
without consulting the manufacturer!
- Be careful while moving this maschine because of
the possible danger of tripping over cords and tubes!
- Never touch the magnetic pin as this could cause
irreversible damage!