Volledige bedieningshandleiding 2
© Bredenoord 2017
Timer for genset
1. Switch on/switch off timer
2. Switch on genset manually, works only when inverters and timer are switched on
3. Switch off genset manually
4. Set clock
5. Switch on point or switch off point
6. Adjust switch time (hours), press the hour indication
7. Adjust switch time (minutes), press the minute indication
Norm al functioning tim er:
At the sw itch on point (exam ple 8:00 hour) the diesel genset starts. At the sw itch off point (exam ple
21:00 hour) the diesel genset stops.
Manually starting w ith button 2, for exam ple if the w ork once begins earlier or if the settings of the tim er are
m odified:
The diesel genset starts m anually. At the sw itch off point (exam ple 21:00 hour) the diesel genset