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For Best Results:

1. Ensure that you have the correct size block fire 

surround for your new Zentro Smokeless Fire Pit insert 

(see table to right).

Ensure that the depth of your block fire surround 

is at least 15 inches; this will provide 3 inches of air 

space underneath the fire pit insert for air flow. Also, 

ensure that nothing is touching the bottom of the unit 

as this will affect airflow and interfere with the smoke 

reduction technology.

Zentro 24”

Zentro 28”

Zentro 32”




Inside Dimension 

of Block Fire 

Surround Needed

Size of Zentro 

Fire Pit Insert 

Being Used

Installation Instructions:

3. Remove any debris or ashes from the inside 

of the block fire surround if necessary.
4. Using 2-3 people, set the fire pit into the 

block fire surround and position it so that the 

spacer brackets welded under the top flange 

are resting on the top layer of the block fire 

surround (see Installation Diagram to left).

Only burn dry, seasoned hardwood in your Zentro Smokeless Fire Pit, as it will burn 

hotter and more completely, which allows for greater smoke reduction. Avoid using 

softwoods such as pine or cedar. After each use, wait until your Zentro Smokeless Fire 

Pit has cooled completely, then clean out the ashes. To extinguish the fire, let it burn 

down as much as possible, then use a minimal amount of water to douse the flames.



s m o k e l e s s


e x p e r i e n c e

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