Battery operated
photoelectric smoke
detector BR 8221
With mute function
Read these operating instructions and store
them in a safe place.
Heed and follow the safety instructions.
These operating instructions must be read
carefully and completely. They are an integral part
of your newly-purchased, battery-operated
photoelectric smoke detector BR 8221 and
contains important instructions for the operation
and handling of the device.
In the following the device will only be referred to
as a smoke detector. When using this product, all
safety instructions must be followed at all times.
If you have any questions concerning the use of
the smoke detector, contact your dealer or service
company. These operating instructions must be
kept and if necessary transferred with the item to
any third party purchasing it. Furthermore, you
must make sure the smoke detector remains in
good operating condition.
108510 Rauchmelder BR 8221 12.05.11 16:42 Seite 12