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13 Using eyepieces
The magnification range depends on the focal length of the telescope and the eyepieces*. The magni-
fication can be varied by changing the eyepieces.
Focal length telecope : Eyepiece focal length = Magnification
350mm : 20mm = 17.5x
Use an eyepiece* with higher focal length (= lower magnification) when starting an observation.
(*depending on the model, it can be part of the content)
14 Using an Amici prism
An Amici prism* will be attached to the telescope between the eyepiece holder and the eyepiece*. It
allows for an image reversal to an upright and lateral image.
(*depending on the model, it can be part of the content)
15 Moving the tripod head
Tighten locking screws/rings only by hand.
Tighten locking screws/rings only by hand. Rings and threads can break when overtighten them!
1. Loosen the fixing screw for horizontal movement to move the tripod head to the right or to the left.
2. Tighten the fixing screw by hand to set the tripod in current horizontal position.
3. Loosen the fixation for vertical movement by turning the handle counterclockwise. Tilt the tripod
head up and down.
4. Turn the handle clockwise to to set the tripod head in current vertical position.
5. Loosen the fixing screw for the tripod tilt plate to tilt the the attached optics sidewards for a viewing
position up to 90 degrees.
6. Tilt the tilt plate to the right and tighten the fixing screw by hand to set the tilt plate in current posi-
16 Adjusting the viewfinder
1. Insert an eyepiece with higher focal length into the diagonal mirror (for refracting telescopes) or
directly into the eyepiece holder (for reflecting telescopes).
2. With the telescope, target on a specific object (e.g. house gable, church spire or otherwise) at a
distance of approx. 300 meters.
3. Look through the eyepiece and align the telescope until the object is visible in the middle of the
eyepiece's field of view.
4. Look through the viewfinder and align it by turning the adjustment screws until the object is visble
in the middle of the viewfinder's hair cross.
5. The adjustment of the viewfinder is completed if the image is visible in the middle of the viewfinder
and the eyepiece in the same way.