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If the web page appears, but the fields are fill with X's, refresh the page, or try a different browser. 

The first web page displays various details about the web interface.  Click on the “Advanced” button to configure 
various parameters. 

To configure the time zone offset from UTC time, check the “Enable time zone support” checkbox. 

Entered the number of minutes, positive or negative, offset from UTC.  For example, USA Central Standard Time is 
-360 minutes. 

To configure the Daylight Saving Rules, check the “Enable Daylight  savings” checkbox.  If daylight saving time is not 
used, leave this box unchecked. 

Select the desired rules for start and end of daylight saving time. 

Entered the number of minutes, positive or negative, offset from UTC when daylight saving time is active.  For 
example, USA Central Daylight Time is -300 minutes. 

Note, that the checkbox for debugging is for factory use only.  Checking this box will disable time updates to the 
clock. Select “Save” button. 

Wait 5 seconds, then move the switch on the clock from “Config” to “Run” 

If the clock hands have stopped moving, press and hold the “Rec” button on the back of the clock movement for 4 
seconds, then release.  The clock should receive a time update in about ten seconds and move the hands to the 
correct time. 

Mode Switch Commands –

 Mode the switch to “Config”.  When the selected command appears on the OLED 

screen, move the switch back to “Run”.  If not command is needed, wait until the time is displayed (20 seconds) 
before moving the switch back to “Run”. 

Enable AP Mode –

 The clock will be placed in access point mode.  Go to “First time installation” for instructions to 

configure the clock to the network. 

Reset Password & Enable AP Mode -

 The user password will be reset to the default. The clock will then be placed 

in access point mode.  Go to “First time installation” for instructions to configure the clock to the network. 

Set to Defaults & Enable AP Mode -

 The user password and all paramters will be reset to the defaults. The clock 

will then be placed in access point mode.  Go to “First time installation” for instructions to configure the clock to 
the network. 

Disable Sec Hand from 6 pm to 6 am –

 The seconds motor uses ten times more battery power than the 

hour/minute motor.  The seconds motor can be disabled during the night to extend the life of the batteries.  
Repeating this selection will toggle the seconds motor between enabled and disabled. 
