Bridge BRDSC01 v4
User Manual
Remote Management Command Topic
Is the MQTT topic the device will subscribe to listen for Remote Management commands. The
default value is the concatenation of
“RMgmt/” and
the default DeviceID. (Ex:
Remote Management Result Topic
Is the MQTT topic where the device will publish the results after executing a Remote
Management command. The default value is the concaten
ation of “RMgmt/”, the default
DeviceID and “/result
(Ex: RMgmt/PSW3S1000000001/results)
Remote Management MQTT Retain
MQTT retain value for publishing MQTT messages on Remote Management broker. Default
value is 0 (zero, false)
Remote Management MQTT QoS
MQTT QoS value for publishing MQTT messages on Remote Management broker. Default
value is 0 (zero)
MQTT Debugging feature
Sometimes is needed to know what is happening on the device and you don´t have physical
access to connect and debug. You can enable the MQTT debugging feature to get some debug
information remotely.
This feature requires the Remote Management MQTT broker to be configured in order to work
Enable MQTT Debug parameter
When enabled, the device will publish on the specified topic, everything that happens on the
device in a readable format, including deviceID.
Default value is 0 (zero, disabled).
MQTT Debug Topic
Is the topic where debug messages are published when MQTT debug feature is enabled.
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