3. Activating the IIDTool
The IIDTool is VIN locked and must be activated for each vehicle it is used on. To activate the IIDTool,
you will need access to the exact vehicle it will be used on. Once your activation code is noted, you will
need an internet connection to get your unlock code.
1. Ensure that the vehicle is in Park and in a safe environment.
• If the vehicle is
, start the engine.
• If in a garage, turn the key to the ON position.
• If you plan to use the device for more than 10 minutes with the engine not running, connect
a power supply (Midtronic’s PSC-550 or equivalent) to the vehicle battery.
Battery chargers are not suitable due to poor line regulation.
The OBD connector is located at the top of
the cubby box in the lower dash fi nisher on
the driver’s side of the vehicle. Hinged co-
ver must be opened for access.
GAP Diagnostic 29/01/2013 All right reserved
User manual: V2.17.12, Firmware V2.17.03
Range Rover L322 2002-2005