Brocade Adapters Troubleshooting Guide
Ethernet network interface problems (CNAs only)
Ethernet link ports or LOM not coming up on reboot in Linux
The host system’s LAN on motherboard (LOM) is not coming up or CNA ports are not visible after
rebooting Linux host.
1. Possible Cause: A ifcfg-ethX script is not configured to bring up each LOM and CNA during the
system boot process.
Action: Make sure that a script is configured for each CNA and LOM once drivers are installed.
Scripts are located in the following directories:
SLES - /etc/sysconfig/network
RHEL - /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
2. Possible Cause: NetworkManager is enabled. There are known issues with NetworkManager
managing multiple NICs in some Linux distributions.
Action: Disable NetworkManager.
To check if NetworkManager is running, enter either of the following commands:
chkconfig --list | grep NetworkManager
To disable NetworkManager for RHEL 5 systems, enter the following commands.
chkconfig NetworkManager off
chkconfig NetworkManagerDispatcher off
To disable NetworkManager for SLES systems, perform the following steps.
a. Open YaST.
b. Select the Network Devices Network Card.
c. On the first screen set the Network Setup Method option to Traditional Method with ifup.
Loss of adapter hardware address in Linux
The ifconfig command displays, HW Addr as 00:00:00:00:00:00.
Possible Cause: The CNA failed to initialize.
Action: Disable the Ethernet I/O controller by entering the BCU ethioc --disable command, then
enable the I/O controller by entering the BCU ethioc --enable command.
Loss of adapter IP address in Linux
The IP address set in Linux with the ifconfig command disappears when the adapter goes down or
host system reboots.
1. Possible Cause: The IP address was set with the ifconfig command and the adapter is enabled
in DHCP (Dynamic Hardware Configuration Protocol) mode.
Action: Configure IP address using system GUI-based networking tools.
2. Possible Cause: The IP address is not configured in the ifcfg-ethX script.
Action: Manually configure IP address in ifcfg-ethX script.