Instruction Manual IQ+FLOW® Series Digital Mass Flow / Pressure Controllers for Gases
LED functions
The LEDs on top of the instrument can also be used for manual operation of some options. The green LED will indicate in
what mode the instrument is active. The red LED will indicate error/warning situations.
For details see chapter “
Manual interface: micro-switch and LEDs
” in
Operation Instructions Digital Instruments
(document no 9.17.023)
Rotary switch operation (multi-channel versions only)
The IQ
FLOW® multi-channel instruments are equipped with rotary switches for selection of communication type, baud rate
and node address.
Communication type switch
With the 'COMM. TYPE' switch the following communication types can be selected:
0. RS485 9k6: Modbus RTU protocol with baud rate 9600, EVEN parity
1. RS485 19k2: Modbus RTU protocol with baud rate 19200, EVEN parity
2. RS485 38k4: Modbus RTU protocol with baud rate 38400, EVEN partiy
3. RS232 38k4: FLOW-BUS protocol with baud rate 38400
4. RS232 115k2: FLOW-BUS protocol with baud rate 115200
Node address switches
With the two 'NODE ADDRESS' switches the node address of the instrument channels can be selected. The 'MSD' (Most
Significant Digit) sets the first digit (tens), the 'LSD' (Least Significant Digit) sets the second digit (units). The node address of
channel 1 is set with the switches, the channels 2 and 3 receive 'node address' + 1 and 'node address' + 2 respectively (e.g.
MSD = 1 and LSD = 9 selects node 19 for channel 1, but also node 20 and 21 for channels 2 and 3).