Polycold Cryochiller
Installation and Operation Manual
Brooks Automation
214072 Revision B
After Cooler:
Component in the refrigeration unit that removes heat from the refrigerant vapor after
it exits the compressor
American National Standards Institute.
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
American wire gauge
Balance pressure:
The pressure in the refrigeration unit (or cryopump) when the suction and discharge
sides of the compressor are equal and the system is at room temperature. This is the
same as the charge pressure.
Conformité Européene The CE Marking identifies that the product or machine is com-
plying with all of the safety requirements established by the European Union.
Charge pressure:
The pressure in the refrigeration unit (or cryopump) when the suction and discharge
sides of the compressor are equal and the system is at room temperature. This is the
same as the balance pressure.
Coldest liquid:
The portion of the refrigerant circuit that obtains the lowest temperature prior to evap-
component in the refrigeration unit that raises the refrigerant pressure and causes the
refrigerant to move through the circuit
A component in the refrigeration unit that removes heat from the refrigerant vapor after
it exits the compressor.
Copper Gas Line:
Refrigerant line that is made from copper
The Polycold cryogenic refrigeration system that captures water molecules in a vac-
uum chamber. It consists of a refrigeration unit, a refrigerant line, and a cryosurface
(with cryogenic feed-through).
The coil or baffle in the vacuum chamber that captures water molecules by freezing
them to its surface.
Cylinder Unload:
A solenoid that deactivates one of the three compressor cylinders to save power under
certain conditions.
The rapid heating process used to remove captured water vapor from the cryocoil.