No weight displays .
The screen
displays “LO” .
The message
“ERR 0” displays .
The message
“ERR 3” displays .
The message
“ERR 2” displays .
The message
“ERR 1” displays .
Check if the scale has a battery inserted
and is activated .
Battery is running low . Replace the battery .
Initialization error . Step off the scale and try again .
Start the scale again by pressing lightly on the scale
platform to re-initialize the scale .
Instability error . Step off the scale and wait until the
scale automatically switches off . Step on the scale
again, and stand still while computation is in progress .
Overload warning . Remove the weight immediately;
otherwise, permanent damage to the scale will occur .
Contact error . Impedance cannot be measured .
Please make sure that you are standing still on the
scale and are maintaining maximum contact between
your feet and the metal contacts . You may need to
moisten your feet to improve the electrical contact .