aircycle 1.1/1.2 – In-built Control & SB
Last Updated 02-01-13
Page 10 of 14
4.3 Connection of Condensate Drain
HRV systems generate considerable amounts of moisture due to their high Heat Recovery Efficiency;
this moisture must be drained from the system.
The aircycle 1.1/1.2 is supplied complete with a centralised drainage connection on the bottom of
the unit.
The condensate drain should incorporate a “P Trap” or equivalent, as shown, before being
discharged into the waste drainage system of the dwelling. The “P Trap” should be filled creating an
immediate seal upon installation.
It is imperative that there is a gravitational fall from the unit to the discharge point ensuring that the
water drains from the unit. A minimum fall of 5 Degrees should be ensured throughout as shown.
Drainage piping/ connections should be insulated if located in cold roof spaces.