Both UPC-A and UPC-E allow for a supplemental two or five digit number to be
appended to the main bar code symbol. The supplemental message was designed
for use on publications and periodicals. To enter a supplemental message, it must
consist of either two or five numeric digits. The supplemental is simply a small
additional bar code that is added onto the right side of a standard UPC symbol.
4.2 Types of UPC Symbols
4.2.1 UPC-A
UPC-A is a 12 digit, numeric symbology used in retail applications to identify the
manufacturer and specific product so point-of- sale cash register systems can
automatically look up the price. UPC-A symbols consist of 11 data digits, and one
check digit. The first digit is a number system digit that usually represents the type of
product being identified.
The next 5 digits are the manufacturers’ code, followed by a 5-digit product code.
UPC-A encodes 12 numeric digits. The first digit identifies the numbering system:
0: regular UPC codes
1: reserved
2: random weight items marked at the store
3: National Drug Code and National Health Related Items code
4: no format restrictions, for in-store use on non-food items
5: for use on coupons
6: reserved
7: regular UPC codes
8: reserved
9: reserved
The next group of 5 digits identifies the manufacturer and is assigned by The
Uniform Code Council (UCC). The next 5 digits identify the particular product and are
assigned by the manufacturer. The last digit is a Modulo 10 checksum.
The checksum is a Modulo 10 calculation.
1. Add the values of the digits in positions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.
2. Multiply this result by 3.
3. Add the values of the digits in positions 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.
4. Sum the results of steps 2 and 3.
5. The check character is the smallest number which, when added to the result in
step 4, produces a multiple of 10.
A UPC-A code may be augmented with the two-digit supplemental bar code noted
above to indicate the issue number for a periodical. Weekly publications are
generally numbered 1-52, while semi-monthlies are numbered 1-24 and monthlies 1-