Framing in the WP Mode
With this framing function, you can easily draw frames against text and tables
on the display. However you must install the daisy wheel that contains a
vertical line to print frames. For frame printing, refer to the section "Print
Menu." For information about the daisy wheel, consult the dealer where you
purchased the typewriter.
Drawing Frames and Lines
Before you begin the following steps, be sure to select the W P mode and open a
text file.
Follow these steps to draw frames and lines:
Type the text to be within the frame, if any.
Locate the cursor at the beginning of a text file or on the line just after
the return symbol (return, page end, column end, or indent clear).
Press the CODE + FRAM E keys.
The framing symbol appears on the display and the typewriter now
allows you to draw an outside frame. The cursor moves to the upper line
of the display. It moves on that line until the framing function is
Pressing the ESC key cancels the framing function halfway.
Move the cursor to position #1 where you locate the upper left corner of
an outside frame.
Use the CURSOR ( < - , - > ,
, or —
) keys or the —
R (Tab)
key to
move the cursor on the line. You cannot move to the other lines.
A left com er o f a frame appears right below the cursor.