Column Layout in the TYPE Mode
When you type a figure table or list, you usually calculate the number o f spaces
for each column and set tab stops. On this typewriter the column layout
function is available. Because this function facilitates tab setting for each
column, you can type the table or list neatly. The typewriter automatically
provides three spaces between columns and centers the whole table or list
between the right and left margins. Note that this function is available only in
the TYPE mode. Before you begin the following steps, select the TYPE mode.
Follow these steps to type a figure table:
Insert paper with t h e ( P a p e r Insert) key.
Change the right and left margins with the R MAR and L MAR keys if
Move the carrier to the left margin.
Use the K— I (Backspace) or « — (Express Backspace) key. Be sure to
move the carrier back to the left margin before you activate the column
layout function.
Press the CODE + COLUMN keys.
The carrier moves to the middle between the right and left margins. The
paragraph indent symbol and the cursor appears on the display.
If you want to set a decimal tab stop for the first column, press the
COD E + DT+ (Decimal T ab Set) keys before you proceed to the next
step 5.
Type the longest word or number for the first column.
The typewriter does not print characters directly. Every time you type a
character, the carrier just moves half a character to the right and the
display shows the entry characters and tabs.
R E M E M B E R ...If you want to use decimal tab stops for the column layout
function, the longest decimal number must be a combination o f the longest
digit of integer, decimal point, and the longest digit o f decimal.
For example, to set a column o f these decimal numbers;
< - Includes the longest digit o f integer
< - Includes the longest digit o f decimal
Type as if the longest number was "51234.89778"_______________________
Press the
(T ab Set) key.
If you want to type the column with the decimal tab, press the C O D E +
DT+ (Decimal T ab Set) keys after pressing the T+ (T ab Set) key.