Proceed to the section "Corrector Mode" to take some countermeasures.
Correct the word to "quick" in the Corrector Mode. Then the typewriter
automatically restarts the finding operation.
When the typewriter finds the second misspelling "takesout”, it beeps
and enters the Corrector Mode. Retype like "takes out".
When the typewriter finds the third misspelling "bascket", it beeps and
enters the Correction Mode. Correct the word to "basket".
Every time the typewriter finds the misspelling or suspected word, it
automatically enters the Corrector Mode to allow you to take
When finished with correction, the typewriter returns to the last
working status.
When tire cursor reaches the end of text, the find and correct function
quits and the message appears to say that the function is completed.
Pressing any key clears away the message.
Close the file.
Sometimes you want to suspend or quit the function before you complete it.
Pressing the ESC or COD E + FIND keys cancels the function halfway.
Scan Check
The CODE + SCAN C keys activate the scan check function in the WP TEXT
EDIT, TYPE (display edit modes like L/L, JUST, etc.), and PHRASE EDIT
modes. You can specify a single typed word on the display and activate the
typewriter to look up the word in the main and supplemental dictionaries.
When the typewriter suspects the spelling of the specified word, it beeps and
enters the Corrector Mode. Note that you can specify only the word that
appears on the display when you are in the TYPE mode; for example, the word
appearing in the single-line text area in the L/L and JUST modes. Printed text
cannot be specified. Use this function when you are not sure whether the typed
word is correct or not.
REM EM BER...The scan check function can be activated in the WP TEXT
EDIT, TYPE (display edit modes like L/L and JUST), and PHRASE EDIT