If phrase files have been created, you can scroll the display until the phrase file
line appears like below:
Shows the number and size of phrase file (PHR).
’ H R file :
1 (
4 .0 )
To scroll up, press the
(Cursor lip) key.
R E M E M B E R ... If your typewriter is equipped with the optional floppy disk
drive, you can switch the storage locations between the internal memory and
the floppy disk drive. The display may be different when the file list of the
floppy disk drive is selected.___________________________________________
Working in the Word Processing Mode
The text to store is called a file. A file includes both text and formats. Open a
new file to write new text.
R E M E M B E R ...T o open a new text file, the WP MAIN screen must be
selected. If you have been in the other mode (TYPE or OPTION), quit the
mode with the END key, TY PE key or COD E + O PTIO N keys and enter the
WP mode. If you have been working with the existing file, close the file with
the END key and return to the WP MAIN screen.
Follow these steps to open a new text file and type with it:
Select the storage location. The internal memory for this practice.
Be sure to select the internal memory or floppy disk drive with the
COD E + 9 (DISK) keys or CO D E + 0 (M EM O RY) keys at this step.
You may skip this step if your typewriter does not have the optional
floppy disk drive.
Make sure that the cursor is located on *NEWFILE on the WP MAIN
When you open the WP MAIN screen first, the cursor appears at
*NEWFILE. If the cursor is not located on *NEWFILE, press any of the
CURSOR keys to locate it on that item.
R E M E M B E R ...T he cursor highlights the item you select on the display. Use
the CURSOR (< —, —>, ' f , and J , ) keys to move the cursor for selection.