To activate the AUTO mode, press the OPERATE key once.
The AUTO indicator comes on and the message **AUTO** appears at the
top left side of the display.
Continue typing the text adding a semicolon (;) to the end o f the text
intentionally instead o f a colon (:).
Jerry Cavanough and I visited three dealers on Monday
and Tuesday, and spent training time as shown below;
Now that the AUTO mode is selected, you don't need to press the ^_1
(Return) key every time the carrier reaches the end of lines. The
automatic carrier return is always accompanied by a beep in the TYPE
In some cases you need to suppress the automatic carrier return. Pressing
the COD E + SPACEBAR or CO D E + HY PHEN keys does not cause
the carrier to return automatically. These key operations are called Space
Continue and Hyphen Continue respectively. O f course, press the
(R etu rn ) key to return the carrier intentionally.
Press the CO R R EC TIO N key immediately to delete the typed
semicolon. Type a colon.
If the last typed character is incorrect, press the C O R R E C T IO N key
immediately and type the correct character. If the typed text includes the
incorrect character, press the carrier motion keys to move the carrier to
the incorrect character, press the C O R R EC TIO N key to delete it, and
type the correct character. Unless you insert a new sheet of paper, the
typewriter can retain approximately one page of text for correction.
If characters to be erased are not in the correction memory or the
correction memoiy is cleared due to any reason, press the SPACEBAR or
BACKSPACE key to move the carrier to the incorrect character, press
the COD E + CO RRECTION keys and type the incorrect character, then
type a correct character. When you are in the Proportional Spacing (PS)
mode, pressing the SPACEBAR or BACKSPACE key does not move the
carrier to the incorrect character precisely. When you press the CO D E +
K-M (Backspace 1) keys, the carrier moves 1/120 of an inch back. Press
them several times to align the carrier with the character.