Sometimes you need lo lype a slashed zero "0" to distinguish it from the al
phabet character ” 0 " and sometimes you need to include a division mark
mathematical expressions. The typew riter may not be able to print these
characters directly because some keyboards and daisy wheels don't have these
fonts. However you can create these characters typing one over (he other.
To print a character over the other one, you need to move the cursor or carrier
one character back w ith the
K— I (Perm anent Backspace)
Follow these steps to type a d ivisio n mark
Type a hyphen
Press the C O D E i
— I
(Perm anent Backspace)
When you are editing the text on the display, the cursor moves to the base
character and the P BS function name appears on the status line; P BS
means Permanent Backspace.
Type a colon " :
W hen you arc directly typing, the colon is typed over the hyphen.
W hen you are editing the text on the display, the permanent backspace
function is terminated and the cursor returns to the position where you
press the
CODE i K— I (Perm anent Backspace)
keys. The overtyped
characters (in this case, the hyphen) and the overtyping character (in this
case, the colon) arc displayed alternately.
When you are editing the text on the display, you can overtype characters on the
display later.
Follow these steps to type a character over the typed characters later:
M ove the cursor to the position just after the character over w hich you
type another character.
Press the C O D E
i K
— |
(Perm anent Backspace)
Press another character you type over the current character.