Strike-out (WP Mode Only)
Sometimes you waul to delete text but you need to show it as deleted. For
example the legal docum entation sometimes requires you to show w hich
clauses are deleted. W illi the strike-out function, you can easily strike out (ext
with slashes o r hyphens. Note that this function is effective on ly when you are
editing (lie text file o r the phrase text on the display in the W P mode.
F o llo w these steps:
Press the C O D E -i X O U T (S trik e -o u t) keys to activate the strike-out
The d isplay shows the strike-out slash " /" o r hyphen
on the status line
w ith the STR function name; STR means Strike out.
Press the S P A C E B A R to select the strike out character, slash o r hyphen.
You can select the character w ith w hich you strike out the (ext.
Type text.
When you type text, the text and s trik e o u t characters appear and
disappear alternately on the display.
Press the C O D E + X O U T (S trik e -m il) keys again to quit the strike-out
The strike-out function name disappears from the status line.
When p rin tin g the text, the typ e w rite r autom atically strikes ou t the text w ith
slashes or hyphens.
When you are e d itin g the text file o r the phrase text on the display, you can
apply and remove the strike-out characters on the display later.
F o llo w these steps to apply the strike-out characters to the typed text later:
M ove the cursor to the first character where you start a p plying the
strike out characters.
Press the C O D E -i- X O U T (S lrik c -o u t) keys.
Press the S P A C E B A R to select the strike out character, slash or hyphen.
M ove the cursor to the position just after the last character where you
end applying the strike-out characters.
Press the C O D E i X O U T (S lrik c -o u t) keys again.