F.very time you type a character, the input text appears on the display and
(lie carrier moves half a character to the right but no printing takes place.
When you want lo quit centering procedures halfway, erase the input text
with the CORRECTION key and press Ihe CTR or CORRECTION key.
Press the — X (Tab),
(Return) or CODE + II TAB keys.
The typewriter prints the text centered, and the action of the key you
pressed takes place.
[31 Type ihe text lo lie centered.
At an Arbitrary Point
You can center Ihe text at an arbitrary point. This centering function is
effective only in the TYPE mode.
L e ft M a rg in
A rb itra ry
P o in t
R igh t M argin
Press Ihe SPACEBAR or K— I (Backspace) key to move the carrier to an
arbitrary point where you want ihe text centered.
Do not move the carrier lo the left margin or any normal Hush left tab
Press the CTR key.
The carrier does not move and the typewriter enters the CTR mode. The
centering symbol ( |+| ) and (lie cursor appear on the display.