Now two types o f replace functions are available: global replace function and
selective replace function. Proceed to either step 10 or step 12.
To execute the global replace function, follow these steps:
[10] Press the
(R eturn) key.
The typewriter asks you whether you are going to start global replace
[11] Press the
(Return) key again.
Then the typewriter starts the global replace function. It searches for the
specified text and replaces them with the specified text globally or
continuously until the cursor reaches the end of the file.
Pressing the ESC key cancels the global replace function and the screen
returns to the replace word entry mode.
To execute the selective replace function, follow these steps:
[12] Press the STEP key.
The typewriter starts the selective replace function. When the search
text is found, the cursor locates at its beginning.
Pressing the ESC key while searching cancels the replace function
[13] Press the ^_1 (Return) key to change the search text with the replace ones
and restart searching for the text.
If you press the STEP key instead of the
(R eturn) key, the typewriter
ignores the search text and restarts searching for the next one.
[14] Repeat the above steps 12 and 13 until you come to the end o f the file.
If the typewriter does not find the specified text, it automatically terminates
the replace function.