I - 2
ECM (Error Correction Mode)
........................................... 1-9
entering text ........................ 4-4
envelopes .....................2-2, 2-5
error messages on LCD ..... 23-1
CHECK PAPER ............. 23-1
COMM.ERROR .............. 23-1
INK EMPTY .................... 23-2
MEMORY FULL ............. 23-3
NOT ASSIGNED ............ 23-3
while scanning
a document .......6-10, 11-3
extension telephone, using ... 5-8
Extension Telephones ...... 1-14
external telephone ............ 1-10
fax codes
Remote Access Code ...... 8-3
Remote Activation Code ... 5-8
Remote Deactivation Code
........................................ 5-8
Fax Forwarding ................... 8-2
changing remotely .....8-5, 8-7
programming a number ..... 8-2
Fax Storage ........................ 8-1
Backup Print ..................... 8-1
Fax Forwarding ................ 8-2
printing from memory ..... 5-10
turning on ......................... 8-1
fax, stand-alone .................. 6-9
receiving ........................... 5-1
at end of conversation ... 5-7
difficulty ....................... 23-7
erasing from the memory
remotely ....................... 8-5
forwarding ...............8-2, 8-5
polling .......................... 5-10
reducing to fit on paper ...5-7
retrieving from a remote
site ...............................8-7
ring delay, setting ...........5-3
at end of conversation ....6-5
colour fax .......................6-9
contrast ..........................6-7
delayed ........................6-16
from memory
(Dual Access) .............6-10
manual transmission ......6-4
multiple settings .............6-6
overseas ......................6-15
polling ..........................6-17
Real Time Transmission
redialing .........................7-6
resolution .......................6-8
FAX/TEL mode ....................5-1
Announcement .................9-8
answering at extension
phones ............................5-8
double-ringing (voice calls)
receiving faxes ..................5-8
Remote Deactivation Code
Setting F/T Ring Time .......5-5
Setting Ring Delay ............5-3
grey scale ....................S-3, S-4
Groups for Broadcasting .....7-3
HELP ......................... 3-1, 10-3
Hold .....................................7-9