37. Attach the base plate using the three screws.
38. Attach the power supply unit assembly using the two screws, and insert the inlet connector.
39. While attaching the timing belt, assembly the lower shaft assembly using the metal presser and screw.
40. Position the outer rotary hook and three spacers with the lower shaft assembly (refer to following illustrations),
and attach using the screw.
41. Attach the FPM holder assembly using the two screws.
42. Attach the horizontal feed shaft bracket using the screw, and attach the horizontal feed assembly using the
metal presser and screw.
43. Insert the shaft of the feed rod into the feed block, and catch the two feed rod tension springs.
44. Attach the tension pulley holder using the screw.
45. Attach the N.P. board assembly using the screw.
46. Insert the timing belt over the upper shaft and attach using the metal presser and two screws.