Krok 13
Przykręcić mocowania rączek oraz rączki do klapy komory bocznej i głównej
Krok 14
Przykręcić termometr do klapy komory głównej
Krok 15
Zamocować klapę do komory bocznej i komory głównej.
Krok 16
Umieścić w komorze bocznej kratę na węgiel, opierając ją na dnie komory.
Krok 17
Umieścić w komorze głównej 2 kraty na węgiel opierając je na dnie komory oraz 2 kraty do
wędzeni/grillowania umieszczając ich końce w otworach komory głównej.
High quality professional smoker with grill and ash pan. Simple design and many possible
applications make the smoker perfect for get-togethers with family and friends.
The device is equipped with two chambers, which can be used together or separately
– as a
grill with BBQ functionality or as a smoker.
- main chamber is used for cooking greater amounts of grilled dishes
- side chamber is used for cost-effective cooking smaller amounts of grilled dishes,
- after using the grill as a smoker, the charcoal / briquette is lit up in the side chamber and
smoking takes place in the main chamber,
Side chamber:
When the device is used as a smoker after lighting the briquette up in the side chamber, we
recommend to use a smoke generator (catalogue no. 332002 or 331001), which you can fill
with wood chips of deciduous or fruit trees in order to improve the taste of meat or fish,
depending on the smoking method: cold, warm of hot.
The side chamber is also equipped with so called baffle, used to smoothly adjust the airflow
affecting the temperature.
Main chamber
– grill:
The chamber is equipped with a thermometer which always allows you to control the heat.
Large cover protects the food from drying and reduces the preparation time; in addition, the
full cover makes the burning coal not give a large flame.
The chimney will help channel the excess smoke from the grill and smoker.
With comfortable grips and wheels, the device is easy to move.