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working on is not near a computer.
This feature will be useful if you have a computer in your office but not in the shop. Or
perhaps there is a watch you’re interested in buying at a local shop, and you’d like to
examine its performance before you commit to purchase. Assuming the shop keeper
will allow it, you can capture the behavior of the watch in the shop and examine it later
on your computer. Even if you have a computer handy to use with MicroSet, you don’t
need to tie it up with monitoring a watch. The computer can be free for other things and
MicroSet can monitor the watch all by itself.
To use Data Capture, MicroSet must be in the Time Mode and taking readings. Press
the BEGIN key to access the Time Mode Options. Press BEGIN until the LCD screen
Capture: Off
The default condition is for Data Capture to be off. To begin capturing your readings, you
must turn it on. Do this by pressing the PLUS key. The LCD screen will then say:
Capture: 1
The number “1” means that MicroSet will capture every reading in memory. You can press
the PLUS key again and the number “1” can be increased up to 250. The number that
you select is the number of readings that will occur before one is stored in the Capture
memory. For example, if you set the LCD screen to show:
Capture: 10
MicroSet will store one reading for every ten that occur.
When we say “readings” we don’t mean “beats”. If MicroSet is configured to measure
30 beats with “Time: 30”, each reading of 30 beats is the “reading” that’s captured with
Data Capture.
The reason for saving fewer than every reading is that the Capture memory can hold no
more than 8,125 readings. This is quite a lot, but there may be times when you would
prefer to capture over a longer period of time. By skipping some readings your Capture
time is increased.
After setting the Data Capture count value, you can go back to the Time Mode and begin
capturing readings. Do this by pressing the MODE key.
MicroSet will now resume taking readings from the watch under study. Every new reading
that’s displayed on the LCD screen will be followed by the letter “C”, to indicate that
they are being captured. The readings will be stored in memory inside the timer until
the memory storage is filled. If you fill the Capture memory, the Capture function will be
turned off and the letter “C” will no longer appear after each rate reading.
Here are some typical kinds of measurements and the length of time you can capture
with a Capture count of “1”. If you enter a number larger than “1”, multiply the duration
shown by the number you entered for the Capture count:
• Pocket watch, “Time: 60” (one reading every 12 seconds)
Will capture for 27 hours
• Pocket watch, “Time: 1” (capture every beat)
Will capture for 27 minutes
When you have captured all the data you want, you should turn off the Capture function.
Press the BEGIN key to access the Time Mode Options. Press BEGIN again until the
LCD screen shows:
Capture: 1 (or some other number)