microprocessor will blink the LED twice to indicate that the control circuit is running
correctly. Once the blades reach 1600 RPM, the turbine will begin charging and the LED
will turn on. The LED can be difficult to see during the day.
11) You have now completed the installation process.
4.1 General Discussion of Operation
Built-in magnetic field with dual power system and scientific wind sweeping
leaves area.
NOTE: Bad connections, undersized wires, and inline diodes will cause the internal
regulator to not work properly. It is very important that the BSG can “sense” the
proper battery voltage.
4.1.1 Over-speed Protection
All wind turbines must have some form of over-speed protection in order to survive
high winds. Most small wind turbines rely on a mechanical method of bending or
tilting out of the wind. The BSG was unique in using brake circuit for over-speed
But also keep the no noise when it brake.
If the BSG senses the RPM above 1600,it will shut down until the wind speeds
The controller of BSG will blink the LED.
a) Open Circuit
When the turbine is disconnected from the batteries, it will “free-spin”. In this mode the
generator can spin “unloaded” with the wind. The internal regulator has a high-speed
regulation to protect the circuit from high voltage conditions. However, when a high
voltage condition is sensed, the turbine is stopped which causes the voltage to drop
and the high voltage condition to end. The result is an oscillating mode which is not