Warnings :
If you want to use the bolus suggestion function, the parameters must be
set in the device when turning it on the first time.
Take always the recommended amount of insulin only after checking the
result, depending on how you feel. If necessary, adjust the bolus or check
whether the settings are correct.
Take the amount of carbohydrates that you entered for the bolus suggestion
calculation. If you are not going to take any carbohydrates, write 0 in the
“CHO” field. It is important not to write any values of carbohydrates if you
do not plan to take any carbohydrates after the bolus intake corresponding
to the insulin action time to avoid possible states of severe hypoglycemia.
Meals and doses of insulin taken previously should not be considered in the
calculation of the bolus.
The bolus suggestion function cannot edit mistakes of data entry, but can only warn you if
you exceed the allowed limits for a given parameter.
If the data are sent to the medical facility which is taking care of you, the parameters will be
set up directly by the doctor through the web platform.