Motor-driven blocking device EasyBlocker
The bolt must neither contact nor interlock on the counterpart. The bolt extends without
performing several locking trials.
The bolt can extend to full length since otherwise it would open up again after several locking
If the functionality is incorrect then check the wiring based on the signal descriptions and the
examples for switching on described in
Every 22 seconds the system checks if the bolt is in position „Closed“ and, if necessary,
updates the bolt position (standard version).
For the battery version the bolt position will be checked and, if necessary, updated every
68 seconds.
Battery version - output „Closed output“
From version V2.0 (June 2013), the output will only be activated if the bolt is moved (i.e.
the bolt wasn’t in the right position when checked). Output active time is 10 seconds.
If in state „Active“ the „Closed“ entry is operated again, the „Closed output“ is activated
again for 10 seconds.
Until version V1.3 (to June 2013) the output active time was 0.5 seconds and was
activated on every bolt position check (every 68 seconds).
Battery version
If the „Closed“ entry is actuated with a static signal, the „Closed output“ is activated every
10 seconds.
because of higher current consumption at rest on state “Closed”, the battery version of
the blocking device should only be actuated with dynamic signals.
3 Malfunctions
In case of malfunctions, please check the following options:
Check wiring:
Are all conductions correctly switched?
Check control signals:
Is the distribution voltage of +12V available on the blocking device?
Are the necessary drive signals available on the blocking device?
Check the installation:
Does the bolt extend to full length?
Does the bolt contact the counterpart?
When the door monitoring is activated:
Is the magnet at the correct position?
If the protected area remains obstructed, first use the electrical emergency opening options and if this is
ineffective, use the mechanical emergency opening options as described in
version 6.0a / 06.04.2016
page 13