Version: 010622
Select the clip on the menu display and tap LOAD CLIP.
Tap AUTO and PLAY to test play the clip.
Tap AUTO to re-cue the clip, 100% should still show on the status display.
Reenter the gang to go back to looking for replay action as usual (except less one channel).
Whenever the T.D. takes the channel on-air, it will roll without you having to do anything.
This allows you to keep your attention on the action, provides the Director with a still frame view of the first frame of
the preloaded clip, and gives the T.D. absolute control over when to play it. All other channels are still available for
replay functions.
There are several habits that should be avoided:
To avoid clogging up the system with too many child clips, don’t tap MAKE CHILD until you are sure you have
seen something worthy. Since there is a lead time, you don’t have to anticipate when something might happen
and keep marking it. As you hit MAKE CHILD, it operates retroactively, with the first frame marked two
seconds ago (the two seconds can be changed in the CHILD SETTINGS, MARK REACTION menu).
Avoid stopping recording, ever, it wastes disk space. Because looping record clips that minimize disk usage
are used, there is never an advantage to stop recording. A nice side benefit of this is that you will never miss
anything that happens when you least expect it; and you can make one or more child clips to preserve it.
If you have GPI interface from the switcher tallies, avoid rolling clips manually on-air. Roll them manually to
check, trim, and decide on an appropriate speed, then tap AUTO to recue them and let the Technical Director
roll them simply by punching them up. This avoids accidentally rolling the wrong channel, allows in synch split
screen playback, and insures perfect timing of the first frame you trimmed being the first frame on-air.
The TRIM IN and TRIM OUT keys change the loaded clip’s first and last frames, respectively, to the current
playback position. The IN point is the frame that is output after a LOAD CLIP or CUE operation; the OUT point
defines where normal or slow speed playback comes to a still frame. Usually, the clip is not actually changed,
instead, offset values are stored with the clip in the VR300 that tell the SUPERSLIDE where the “virtual” IN and
OUT points are. The exception to this is when trimming a child clip that is still a subset of its parent. In this case,
the child is actually trimmed (smaller or larger), but the default handles (which can be changed in the CHILD
SETTINGS menu) are preserved for subsequent trimming after the child is no longer a subset of the parent.
IN and OUT points can be set explicitly, but affect the clip shown on the menu (left) display rather than the loaded
clip (shown on the status display) as do TRIM IN and TRIM OUT. You can select the loaded clip into the menu
display by tapping HOME, ENTER. Tap HOME, then IN (UP arrow) to set the IN point, OUT (down arrow) to set
the OUT point, or OUT again to set the OUT point by duration. When setting IN and OUT points, only the offset
pointers are actually changed as described in TRIMMING IN AND OUT POINTS, so the amount the numbers can
be changed is limited. If you want to change IN and OUT points by large amounts, it is better to make a child, and
then set the IN and OUT points of the child. Whenever you want to change an IN or OUT point of a child clip by a
large amount, use this method rather than TRIM IN or TRIM OUT.
All timecode values in the system are set the same way using the numeric keypad. When you first begin setting a
register, its existing value is shown on the display. As you enter the first digit, the display is reset to zeros and the
key’s value shows as units of frames (or as units of seconds when setting registers that do not use frames). Each
digit entered shifts the displayed digits to the left. The HOME, SETUP, UP arrow, DOWN arrow and MAKE CHILD
keys cancel the operation, leaving the register unchanged. The ENTER key replaces the register with the
displayed timecode numbers. The RIGHT/LEFT arrow keys act the same as ENTER except they “trim” the register
value instead. The RIGHT arrow key (trim up) adds the displayed timecode numbers to the existing register value.
The LEFT arrow key (trim down) subtracts the displayed timecode numbers from the existing register value.
A 24 character description of each clip is shown on the lower line of the menu display after using the HOME key.
Since the display line is 16 characters long, only the first 16 characters are shown; hold HOME to show the last 16
characters. The description also appears on VR300 workstations to help identify clip contents. Ten preset words