Version: 010622
can be loaded into the ten F-keys using the CLIP UTILITIES, FKEY DESC WORDS menu item. It is best to use
short informative words like “GOAL”, “HIT”, etc. When the CLIP DESC key is tapped, the clip currently playing on
the selected channel (and shown on the status display) is recalled into the menu display with the description field
blocked out. As F-keys are tapped, the words stored in them appear in the description. Numeric keypad keys can
be used to enter numbers into the description. Spaces are automatically placed between F-key words and number
sequences. Tap ENTER to store the description in the VR300 database, or HOME to cancel.
The SUPERSLIDE is equipped with ten personality registers. There are many user adjustable settings in the
system, most of which can be stored in personality registers. Saved personality configuration data are protected by
an error detection value. When the unit is reset, even if a Cold Boot (see below) is performed, Any personality
registers that check out OK are preserved. Once you have configured the unit for how you like to work, you can
store the configuration in a personality register and name it as you desire. You can recall a register anytime in the
future to restore operation to the way you like it.
If for any reason, you wish to reset the SUPERSLIDE back to the factory preset configuration, a “COLD BOOT”
may be performed. This operation erases all events, and some internal registers; personality registers are not
affected. A cold boot is accomplished by unplugging the modular cable from the rear of the panel, and holding the
MAKE CHILD and PLAY keys down while plugging the cable back in.