After all the new custom files have been added, there are three Save options:
Save to Folder: This will save the vocabulary file system, including your newly added custom speech additions, as
three RSI files to your computer.
It is recommended to use this function to create a back-up copy of your speech files any time you make custom
additions. Additionally, once you have a copy of these files on your PC, you can use the speech editor off-line (not
connected to your ARC Plus Touch) and continue to add to or edit this copy of the vocabulary files, which can then
be uploaded into your unit when a connection is active.
Save to Unit: This saves your updated vocabulary file system directly onto the connected ARC Plus Touch.
Save to All Units: This saves your updated vocabulary file system directly to the connected ARC Plus Touch as well
as updating any additional ARC Plus Touch units that are networked to the connected site.