The vocabulary shipped with the RSI is taken from the broadcast industry
vernacular, but of course doesn’t include words and phrases specific to your
site. By being able to use words you’ve recorded, the RSI adapts to your needs.
You’ll need a PC program to record the words and the means to output the
sound files as 16-bit 8 kHz mono wave files, each less than 8 seconds in
duration. Whatever your station uses for a DAW is fine, but if that is not
convenient, Audacity is free and works just fine.
The vocabulary is entirely resident on an SD card inside the ARC Plus Touch. You can record custom words and
phrases and upload these into your ARC Plus Touch without removing the SD card using the Speech editor in
AutoLoad Plus Touch.
The Speech editor in AutoLoad Plus will update the internal ARC Plus Touch speech files as needed. To prevent
problems, we strongly recommend only editing the speech system with this editor. (There may be a file named
Firmware.hex on the SD card. It can be safely removed if desired.)
Use your DAW to record each word or phrase as desired. You must set the editor to produce 16-bit mono wave
files at an 8 kHz sample rate. Stereo or any other rate will result in an error. If you are using Audacity, you can set
the default sample rate and sample format by going to Edit> Preferences which opens the Preferences: dialog box.
Choose the Quality tab and set the defaults as shown.
Audacity Edit>Preferences - Quality
Edit the recording to produce separate wave files for each word or phrase. Trim the recordings to produce
consistent heads and tails with only a few tens of milliseconds of silence. Give each file a filename that represents
Not an announcer?
Let your production
department record your
custom vocabulary.