Further information
Appendix 2: Data connection
The Burnside unit features a USB connection so that it can provide
data communications for computer devices. Before connection or
operation, a software driver (on the supplied Burnside CD-ROM)
must be installed on your computer.
Note: Install the driver before you connect the Burnside unit to your
To add driver support
1 Insert the Burnside CD-ROM into your computer’s reader and run
the program ‘PreInstaller.exe’.
2 Once the software has been successfully installed,
between the computer and the Burnside unit.
3 Apart from Windows XP, when the computer recognises the unit,
the necessary software driver will be automatically installed. For
Windows XP, the ‘Add New Hardware’ wizard will appear and a
warning given about uncerfified drivers. Ignore this warning and
continue with the installation.
4 Once the installation is complete, view the Device manager (
> Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager
) and
check which se-
rial port has been
assigned to the
Burnside unit.
To configure the unit as a modem
1 Open the Windows Control Panel (
Start > Control Panel
) and run
‘Phone and Modems Options’. Change to the Modems tab and
click the Add... button.
2 Ensure that the ‘Don’t detect my modem...’ option is ticked and
then click the Next > button.
3 Under ‘Manufacturer’ select ‘Standard Modem Types’ and then
highlight ‘Standard 19200 bps modem’ and click the Next > but-
4 You will next be asked to choose a serial port. Select the port that
was allocated within the Device Manager during the driver instal-
lation (see left). Click the Next > button and the new modem entry
will be created.
5 Select ‘Properties’ for the new modem and click the Configure
button and in the subsequent dialog box, ensure that the Maxi-
mum speed is set to ‘115200’.
If you would like to connect to the internet using this modem con-
nection, create a new dialup networking configuration suitable for
your ISP and ensure that the ‘connect using...’ option is set to the
‘Standard 19200 modem’.