background image


Sleep cushion


Micro+, the sleep cushion is attached by webbing/Velcro at the top of the back 

system and can be removed for cleaning. 

Micro Standard, a sleep cushion can be attached by S clips onto the two small 

loops at the top of the back system; it can be removed for cleaning.

Foot loops


These attach to the d-rings located on the side wing of the carriers; they are  

used like ‘stirrups’ on a horse to give more comfort to an older child (use from 

about 18mths). They can be lengthened and shortened to fit.

Sun canopy (basic)

  The sun canopy frame is slid into the two slots on either side at the back of the child 

seat, and then the two elastic loops are fixed round the buckles on the side wings.

pu raincover


The raincover fits over the top of a sun canopy, and the elastic grips round 


the base of the carrier.

Fabric raincover


The fully waterproof, taped raincover fits over the child when in a carrier; 


the hood can be adjusted to fit using the tab on the back.



The holdall is large enough to fit all carriers, plus extra clothing etc

Micro bag


This is a small bag designed to carry things for changing your baby, it attaches 

onto two small loops at the base of the seat of the micro carrier

CarIng For your BuShBaBy CarrIer

Cleaning instructions – 

All carriers can be cleaned by sponging down with warm soapy water and left  

to dry in a warm place.

Comfort pack - 

The fleece sleep cushion and fleece straps (comfort pack) can be removed and washed 

either by hand or in a washing machine at 40.

Storage -

 Always make sure your carrier is completely dry, especially the accessories. Store in a well- 

ventilated, dry area away from direct sunlight.

Maintenance - 

Inspect all webbing and buckles routinely prior to use, if the product should develop  

a fault please contact Bushbaby for help and advice on +44 (0) 161 474 7097. Additional or replacement 

parts should only be obtained directly from Bushbaby or via a recommended retailer.

warnIngS & SaFeTy noTICeS

warnIng - 

THE CHILD MAY BE AT AN ELEVATED POSITION to the carrier when the child is 

in the carrier, it could be in a position higher than the carer. Care should be taken to be aware of 

hazards; e.g. door frames, low branches of trees etc. 

warnIng - 

THE CHILD MUST BE ABLE TO SIT UNAIDED and must be able to support his/her 

head well before using the carrier.

warnIng - 


be used as a seat or high chair.

warnIng - 


TO TOPPLE OVER. The child carrier has an intended function of carrying one child.

warnIng - 


INFORMATION. The person carrying should be aware that their balance may be adversely  

affected due to movement of the child and the carer. The carer will need to take great care when 

bending or leaning forward. The carrier is suitable for use when undertaking leisure activities but  

not for sports activities.

warnIng - 

Care should always be taken when putting on or removing the carrier. Care should be 

taken to avoid injury to the child’s feet when the carrier is on or near the floor.

MICro & MICro+ ChIld CarrIerS are deSIgned For uSe FroM 5/6 MonThS up To 

2/3 yearS, MaXIMuM CarryIng weIghT 15Kg

(Bushbaby reserves the right to change the specifications of products described at any time.)

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13/12/2007   10:48:56
