Assembly Drawings
Buskro Ltd.
Apollo Ink Delivery System
A.0 Assembly
List of Tables
Apollo Ink Delivery System, 4”, BK660, 6’, NA (660-IDM4H-06NA)....... A-3
Apollo Ink Delivery System, 4”, BK700, 6’, NA (700-IDM4H-06NA)....... A-5
Apollo Ink Delivery System, 4”, BK760, 6’, NA (760-IDM4H-06NA)....... A-7
Apollo Ink Delivery System, 4” BK1700, 6’, NA (1700-IDM4H-06NA).... A-9
Syringe Assembly, Apollo Bulk Ink (BK-BULKPRIME).......................... A-11
Unit, Regulator Module, 6’ (BK-BULKREG-06)....................................... A-12
Module, Apollo Ink Delivery Module, 4-Channel (BK-IDM-4H).............. A-14
Cable, Power Input, HP Module (9102862A) ............................................. A-16
Front Panel Assembly, HP Module (9102997A) ........................................ A-17
Manifold Block, Regulator Inlet, Assembly (9103067A) ......................... A-18
HP Regulator Mount Assembly (9103243A) ............................................ A-19
Manifold Block, Hybrid Out Assembly (9103298A)................................ A-20
Upper Bracket Assembly, HP Module (9103479A).................................. A-21
Cable, Power Input Switched, Apollo Module (9103609A) ..................... A-23
List of Figures
Apollo Ink Delivery System, 4”, BK660, 6’, NA (660-IDM4H-06NA) ..... A-4
Apollo Ink Delivery System, 4”, BK700, 6’, NA (700-IDM4H-06NA) ..... A-6
Apollo Ink Delivery System, 4”, BK760, 6’ (760-IDM4H-06NA) ............. A-8
Apollo Ink Delivery System, 4” BK1700, 6’ (1700-IDM4H-06NA) ........ A-10
Syringe Assembly, Apollo Bulk Ink (BK-BULKPRIME)......................... A-11
Unit, Regulator Module, 6’ (BK-BULKREG-06) ..................................... A-13
Module, Apollo Ink Delivery Module, 4-Channel (BK-IDM-4H) ............ A-15
Cable, Power Input, HP Module (9102862A)............................................ A-16
Front Panel Assembly, HP Module (9102997A) ....................................... A-17
Manifold Block, Regulator Inlet, Assembly (9103067A)........................ A-18
HP Regulator Mount Assembly (9103243A)........................................... A-19
Manifold Block, Hybrid Out Assembly (9103298A)............................... A-20
Upper Bracket Assembly, HP Module (9103479A) ................................ A-22
Cable, Power Input Switched, Apollo Module (9103609A) .................... A-23