Wiser Home Controller User's Manual
At the bottom left, it shows whether you are connected or not. The meaning
of the other information is as follows:
Attempted reconnects: this is the number of times a re-connect to the
Wiser Home Controller has been attempted. This will normally be 0 for
a wired Ethernet connection. For a wireless connection, this number will
increase while the connection is lost.
Keepalive signals: this is the number of keep-alive signals received
from the Wiser Home Controller. These are sent on a regular basis so
that the user interface knows that the Wiser Home Controller is still
Watchdog Counter: this is the number of times the user interface has
checked to see if a keep-alive signal has been received. It gets reset to
0 each time a keep-alive is received.
Successful Connections: this is the number of times a connection has
been successfully made to the Wiser Home Controller. This will normally
be 1 for a wired Ethernet connection. For a wireless connection, this
number will increase each time a new connection is made.
4.2 RSS
If RSS feeds have been set up for use on your Wiser Home Controller, you
will see the headlines appear at the bottom of the screen.
If you click on the up arrow (bottom right corner), the area for displaying
the RSS data will expand and you will see the full text.