iNetVu New Gen Troubleshooting Guide
C-COM Satellite Systems Inc.
Page 23 of 68
2. If the Mobile Platform physically moves but the angle doesn’t change
Possible Causes:
Elevation Tilt Sensor
Sensor Cable
Internal Wiring Harness
7000 Controller
Please ensure the Sensor Cable is securely connected to the 7000 Controller and Platform.
Reseat the Sensor Cable and the Elevation Tilt Sensor cable. If the issue persists continue to the
next step.
Use the Elevation Tilt Sensor Circuit Diagram on the following page to confirm continuity of the
cabling. Set the voltmeter to beeper or continuity mode.
If either the sensor cable or internal harness fails continuity please Contact C-COM Technical
Support for further instructions.
If the cabling passes continuity, this will conclude the issue is the Elevation Tilt Sensor. Please
Contact C-COM Technical Support for further instructions.
Elevation Tilt Sensor