* Note: The System Mode has three settings: Training, Actuator Off, and Normal. The
differences between these three are listed below:
Training mode
will keep the door unlocked and will never push animals out. This
mode is helpful to teach the animals that they need to push the door down in
order to get feed. This is meant as the second step to teaching animals to eat
from the system. (See
Section 2.3
for the first step in training).
Actuator Off mode
will allow SmartFeed to the door, to keep animals out, but
will not enable the actuator to push animals out. This means that once the door
does unlock for an animal, they will be able to eat as much as they want until
they lift their heads up - similar to a Calan gate operation. This is a useful
“intermediate” step between fully training animals and using the system in
normal mode.
Normal mode
will configure the system to lock the door and push out animals
once they have eaten their feed allotment.
Please note that if using any one of these three settings, you must also configure the
system to “Normal” mode from the online interface.