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The use of rigid pipes is recommended so that
the weight of the connecting pipes does not rest
on the pump inlets..
La distanza che separa la pompa di calore dalla piscina non deve essere eccessiva
(preferibilmente inferiore ai 10 m) al fine di limitare le dispersioni termiche nelle
tubazioni di collegamento al circuito di filtrazione della piscina.
L’accesso alla pompa
di calore deve essere pratico, in modo da facilitare le operazioni
di manutenzione, che possono necessitare il trasporto di materiali pesanti.
L’acqua non si deve accumulare ai piedi della pompa di calore in caso di pioggia e la
condensa risultante dal suo funzionamento deve essere evacuata correttamente (nota
bene: l’eventuale condensa ai piedi della pompa di calore è la prova di un corretto
funzionamento; in nessun caso può essere considerata come una perdita del liquido di
The heat pump support must be stable and solid:
Ground installation: prepare a concrete slab about ten cm thick, at least the same size as the
base of the machine.
Installation at height: the support and its fixing on the wall must resist the weight of
the machine (with a safety margin) without deformation. The solidity of the support
must not be compromised by oxidation of its materials over time.
The hydraulic connections must not be constrained by the pipes: the pipes must be placed on the
ground on a rigid support, or buried, and rise vertically immediately next to the pump. They must
not overload the pump's hydraulic connections. In addition, it is advisable to use a rigid pipe on the
vertical part up to the machine and fix it firmly to the wall using fixing collars..
Never place flammable or corrosive objects near the heat pump in order to avoid any risk of
damage or accidents.
Never place the pump in the vicinity of fire extinguishing nozzles. Never keep corrosive
chemicals or chemicals that can emit acid or alkaline vapours in the vicinity of the pump. If the
pump is installed close to the sea, it must be protected from spray, offshore winds or sand
loads. Protective panels placed at the recommended minimum distance can be used for this