CT6 Cadillac User Experience (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-11292518) -
2018 - crc - 3/1/17
POI Search Location
If browsing for POIs or searching for
results on a keyboard in a different
location than what was searched
previously, touch Search Options on
the map view to specify a different
Touch an option displayed on the
Select Search Area menu.
POIs Along Route
POIs Nearby
POIs Near Destination
POIs at Another Location
Favorite POIs
Locations, categories, or a particular
POI chain ID can be saved as Favorites
in the POIs view.
up to display the Favorites
Touch and hold a preset, then touch
the category to be saved. Whenever a
set of POIs is grouped, such as in a
category, the whole category is saved
in the favorites for recall. Whenever a
set of POIs that belong to the same
chain ID is saved in the favorites, a
POI chain saving pop-up message
displays asking to save only that
location, or to save the entire chain.
POIs are only grouped by chain when
the sorting order is Alphabetical.
Touch Sort to change the sorting
Recalling a POI Category or Chain
If a POI category or chain favorite is
recalled, the system displays a list of
matching results defaulting to nearby,
but allows a search of other locations.
Touch Search Options to specify a
different location.
Creating and Downloading
Predefined POIs (My POIs)
In addition to the POIs already stored
in the Infotainment system,
predefined POIs can be created.
While creating a predefined POI, the
GPS coordinates for longitude and
latitude of the POI
s location and a
descriptive name will need to be
After creating the predefined POIs,
they can be downloaded to the
infotainment system from a USB
Once downloaded, the POI data
becomes a selectable destination in
the My POIs menu.
Creating a Text File with
Create a text file by using a simple
text editor software. Save this file with
a name and extension of .csv, for
Enter the POI information into the
text file in the following format:
Longitude coordinate, Latitude
Name of POI,
Additional information,
” “
Example: 7.0350000, 50.6318040,
Michaels Home,
” “
123 Maple
” “